Amphibious Friend
While humans continue to go absolutely bonkers, this little guy seems content. Happy he allows me to share his space for a little while.

First Tomato
We always try to harvest our first tomatoes on the 4th of July or before. We seldom achieve that. The 7th of July is close enough.

Lovely Lupin
Spring has become our favorite season around here. The Orchard Compound and surrounding area is alive with new growth. Ya, the cottonwood are filling the sky with their seed and pollen covers everything. But the lupin are blooming along with other wildflowers and those we’ve planted. For the moment at least, life is good.

Watershed Adventure
Two sides of our five acre property border the watershed where the Seattle area gets much of its drinking water. Today our five-year-old granddaughter and I did a little exploring. Her first time. Saw some deer, plenty of game tracks and trails. But no sheds. Maybe next time.
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