Chilly Hummers
The only ones more tired of the cold on The Orchard Compound, other than humans, may just be our hummingbirds. Their feeders freeze as fast as we put them out, so it’s pointless. Here’s to warmer days ahead. Hang in there everyone.
The only ones more tired of the cold on The Orchard Compound, other than humans, may just be our hummingbirds. Their feeders freeze as fast as we put them out, so it’s pointless. Here’s to warmer days ahead. Hang in there everyone.
Power and Comcast went out at 12:30 this morning. Wind was as bad as I ever remember in our 39 years here. But our generator is working as is our wood stove. T-Mobile has been remarkably good this time. All in all, could have been much worse. Stay safe, people.
About 20 of these wondrous critters stopped by to say Happy New Year! They seem ready for some cold weather ahead.
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