Stan & Joyce Orchard

Trying to figure it out since 1975.

Rainy Day

Rainy Day

Dismal, wet, windy weather. Ever-rising prices, ever-increasing anger, insanity seemingly everywhere. Easy to get overwhelmed by it all. Then there are these little guys. They just keep on keepin’ on. We can do the same.

A Quiet Halloween

A Quiet Halloween

Weather couldn’t be better for October to end. We never get trick-or-treaters, but our resident young buck and a neighbor cat stopped by to enjoy the sun.

Forty-Six Years

Forty-Six Years

Our hair is much shorter now than then, and we both weigh slightly less than we did then. Sure, we’re both dealing with health issues we couldn’t have imagined then. But we’re still together, enjoying a meal out at a favorite haunt. Still making plans and trying to figure out this crazy life. Here’s hoping the end is a long way off.

A Volunteer

A Volunteer

The pot of geraniums on the left has a persistent guest: a tomato plant. We recycle all our soil so a stray seed must have made it through winter and finally emerged late this summer. Haven’t had the heart to cut it down. Grow, little plant!

Petunia Love

Petunia Love

We just love petunias. We have some in hanging baskets, some in pots on the deck. And judging by all the bees, hummingbirds, butterflies, and these guys, we're not alone in our appreciation of this humble plant. We grow more ever year. Next season will be no exception.

Hoophouse Update

Hoophouse Update

Still lots to do: cut away excess plastic, hang door, add trim around vents and door, add raised beds, spread gravel, etc. But it’s to the point we can actually use it. Amazed.

A New Era Begins

A New Era Begins

After more years and money than I care to think about, King County finally issued a building permit to our son and his family. Construction begins this weekend. A new era begins on The Orchard Compound.

Lunch In Tacoma

Lunch In Tacoma

Had a lovely lunch with my siblings at Harbor Lights in Tacoma today. Walked down to the Dickman Mill park. Drove through the old neighborhood. Many changes…there and in us. A good day.

Club Antler

Club Antler

Elk strolling by our front porch is common here on The Orchard Compound. But this morning when a group of five bulls walked by, this guy’s freaky antlers caught my eye. Not a great shot – through a dirty window in the dark. But you can see it grew out sideways. Can he use it as a club?



Never tire of watching these little critters do their thing.