Stan & Joyce Orchard

Trying to figure it out since 1975.

Growing Begins

Growing Begins

Today is Presidents’ Day, the traditional start of the grow season here on The Orchard Compound. We planted more onions, peas, spinach, cukes, carrots and more. Can’t wait for spring.

Out For A Walk

Out For A Walk

It’s been nearly two weeks since Joyce Carol has left our small house. So, today we walked to the barn and then spent a half hour or so in the greenhouse. Her smile still makes my day.

Chilly Hummers

Chilly Hummers

The only ones more tired of the cold on The Orchard Compound, other than humans, may just be our hummingbirds. Their feeders freeze as fast as we put them out, so it’s pointless. Here’s to warmer days ahead. Hang in there everyone.

First Outage Of 2024

First Outage Of 2024

Power and Comcast went out at 12:30 this morning. Wind was as bad as I ever remember in our 39 years here. But our generator is working as is our wood stove. T-Mobile has been remarkably good this time. All in all, could have been much worse. Stay safe, people.

Shaggy Coats

Shaggy Coats

About 20 of these wondrous critters stopped by to say Happy New Year! They seem ready for some cold weather ahead.

Errant Antler

Errant Antler

A dozen or so elk, all wearing their fuzzy, winter coats, visited us on this frosty morning. One of the two young bulls was sporting an antler growing in the wrong direction. Hope it grows back properly this spring.

Christmas Cactus Blooms!

Christmas Cactus Blooms!

Nice weather, family is all together, lots of great food, and Joyce Carol’s old Christmas Cactus decided to bloom. Despite the madness engulfing our world, we take all of this as a good omen for brighter days ahead. Hope all of you are enjoying the day.

Our Newest Neighbors

Our Newest Neighbors

The property just to our west, behind our barn, sold recently. They have completely transformed the place. A new orchard literally appeared overnight. This weekend beehives appeared. Can’t wait until spring when it comes to life.

Out For A Walk

Out For A Walk

My Beloved and I used to walk a lot. She can’t do that these days but I’ve been trying to walk a mile a day. Today our son and his 13-year-old daughter joined me. Still amazes me that we all live here. Despite the madness that seems to have enveloped the world, it is the simplest of things that bring so much joy. Be happy, my friends.

Foxglove In October?

Foxglove In October?

The Orchard Compound is covered with foxglove during spring and early to mid-summer. But this one decided to march to its own drummer.